What to expect when you visit Encounter?

At Encounter, you'll be welcomed into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you. We want you to have an idea of what to expect when you visit us. Here is a video intro to Encounter and what we are all about.

Scroll down to see FAQ’s on what to expect when you visit.

At our service, you can expect:

-Each service to last about an hour and fifteen minutes
-Thought-provoking and engaging messages based on the Bible
-Uplifting music
-A fun children’s program for your kids

 Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What should I wear?
    Come in shorts, a tee, and sandals or roll out of bed in a hoodie and sweats. The dress attire at Encounter is very casual.

  • Can my kids stay with me during the service?
    Absolutely! We understand how precious your children are to you. You are welcome to have your children remain with you until all of you feel comfortable with your child attending our children’s program. If your child sits with you, we have an activity packet to help keep your child entertained during the service. For those with toddlers and infants, we have a room just for you filled with toys, a changing table, and a live-feed of the service for you to enjoy the service.

  • What if I come early?
    We have a refreshment table filled with snacks and coffee for you to enjoy. You can grab a snack and sit back and relax until the the service starts.

  • Will I be embarrassed as a new person?
    Absolutely not! You will not be put on the spot. You won’t have to wear a name badge or be singled out in any way. You don’t even have to sing along with the music if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. You also will not be expected to give any money. You are our guest! We want you to relax and just enjoy the service.

  • Do I need to bring a Bible?
    You don’t have to bring a Bible unless you want to. All of the Bible verses will be projected on the screen.

  • Where to park?
    Our parking lot is located at the rear of our building off of 188th St. Once you exit your car, walk up 188th and enter the sanctuary located on Crenshaw Blvd.

If you’re still nervous, just know that we will accept you as you are regardless of what you believe. Here are some guidelines to help:

  1. No perfect people allowed! If you got it together, you’re at the WRONG place.

  2. No making out in the back row! Unless you’ve reached your silver anniversary, then all bets are off.

  3. Relax! We don’t bite and you’ll have more fun.

  4. Laugh! We think we are funny, you may disagree. Regardless, doctors say laughter is healthy for you.