Encounter is a church committed to caring about more than just what happens inside of our walls.  Our goal is not to be a church that just talks about how much we love our community but to actually go out and show it.  We have served our community by repurposing a room, landscaping, and building shelves at Edison Elementary, having a monthly mobile food bank to feed the hungry, restoration projects at North High School and Magruder Middle School, helping feed and clothe the homeless on Skid Row, packing survival kits to hand out to the homeless, filling care packages to show appreciation to teachers at Edison Elementary and North High School, and the list goes on.


Thank you so much for your willingness to support Encounter Community Church and our desire to be a great church who loves people, uplifts the hearts of the hurting throughout Torrance and the South Bay, and practically shows God's love through meeting the needs of those who need an extra hand.

You can do that by joining us on one of our service projects or by donating online.