It’s Not What You Know, It’s… - Encounter Livestream - 07/02/2023

Since God is good, prayer is good. Since you matter to God, your prayers matter in heaven. You’re never without hope, because you’re never without prayer.

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Who’s on Your List? - Encounter Livestream - 06/25/2023

What if we prayed for people as often as we complain about them? How would that change us? Imagine if you had the power to see people from the perspective of love as God sees them.

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Perspective Shift - Encounter Recorded - 06/18/2023

Perspective is everything. One person can look at their possessions and achievements with a feeling of disdain and disgust. Another person with the exact same possessions and achievements with a feeling of joy and delight. The way that we see life will impact the level of joy we have in life.

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When I Mess Up - Encounter Livestream - 06/11/2023

Mistakes and failure in our lives are inevitable. We are going to either say or do something that we regret. When we do, our natural reaction is like the puppy who gets caught. We tuck our tail between our legs and hide in the corner of shame. The heartbeat of prayer is to bring our shame to God and to walk away confident that we are loved and forgiven.

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What Do I Say When I Pray? - Encounter Livestream - 06/04/2023

Many of us have been there, you're sitting in church and you hear this magnificent, eloquent prayer. Then, you go home and try it. You lose track of your words. Heck, you may just sit there saying nothing because the right words just don't come. If this is you, be ready to walk away with a new freedom and enthusiasm for prayer.

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What is Prayer? - Encounter Livestream - 05/28/2023

We talk about prayer all of the time. Yet, have we really taken time to explore what is prayer? Maybe if I can understand prayer, I would be more likely to do it.

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