Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

How do we overcome the habits, mindsets, and shortcomings that defeat us? You have tried getting rid of tempting stuff. You have tried working harder. You have tried ____________ (fill-in-the-blank). But, what is the key to defeating what defeats me?

Ken Ballard
Why You? Why Him?

Why would God choose me? At my best, I am still flawed. Maybe His choice of me is not based on what I thought it would be. How does God choose people? The answer may surprise you and lead you to look at and think of Him and you differently.

Ken Ballard
Living the Contagious Life

If we look around us, we can see the brokenness that exists in our world raising a very simple but challenging question. What are we going to do about it? How can we become harbingers of hope? How can we bring healing to this nation? Are we willing to take on that responsibility?

Ken Ballard
The Power of Connection

Is it true that you can be a Christian and not be a part of church? What if there is something that we’re missing? If you are still a part of a church, we explore how to get the most out of it.

Ken Ballard
Refreshing the Exhausted Soul

There is so much competition for our attention. Just think about the apps on your Smart TV. Then, you add in social media, family, work, boss, kids,friends, etc. Is the current pace of life, information, and distraction suffocating our souls? How does this affect our soul and what is the soulution?

Ken Ballard
How to Pray

What is the secret sauce of prayer? In today’s podcast, we will talk about what to pray about and give practical tools that will help add focus and value to your prayer life.

Ken Ballard
Getting the Most Out of the Bible

Have you ever walked into the a gym to get in shape and be intimidated by all of the machines? The same can be said about reading the Bible. Where do we start? Do we just open it up and start reading or is there a plan that we can follow? This week, Ken gets into the motivation for reading and the how to create a rich experience when you read and study it.

Links discussed in the podcast:
Read the New Testament in 40 Days
Read the New Testament in a Year

Sample reading plan included with messages

S.O.A.P. method

S - Scripture
O - Observation
A - Application
P - Prayer

Can be taken to apply to any passage of scripture.
S-write down the passage that you are reading. Pick a verse or two that grabs your attention. 

O-write out what you see happening in the passage.

A-identify at least one action, mindset, or practice that you want to implement into your life

P-write out a prayer for implementing the application

Link to Ken’s sample

Ken Ballard
Why Do I Need Discipline?

Many of us have been there. You start to work out and maybe even see some results but somewhere along the lie you lose your motivation. You start reading your Bible, praying, or other spiritual habits only to lose your mojo. How do we maintain our discipline over the long haul? Why is discipline even important? Why do I need it at all?

Ken Ballard
What is the Win?

Many of us have been taught what it looks like to be a good Christian. But, what if that misses the mark? What if our idea is contradictory to the idea of Jesus? This week, we explore the path and how to know if we are on the right one.

Ken Ballard
Learning to Love Yourself

Jesus challenged us to love our neighbor as ourselves. But, what if I don’t even like myself? How do I love someone with something that I don’t have? This week, we look at two obstacles that stop us from loving ourselves and how to overcome them.

Ken Ballard
Embracing the Journey

Ken’s special guest this week is Ariel Mariano, Encounter’s worship leader. She has recently released an EP. In this podcast, she shares the story of her journey and how the EP is a dive into her soul. She shares her challenges with heartache, pain, singleness and the power of hope.

Click here to listen to Ariel’s EP on Spotify.

Click here to support Ariel by purchasing her music on Apple Music.

Ken Ballard
Becoming In Love With God

God has designed our lives to have a story to tell. A major component of that story is our journey of becoming who God created us to be. We become as we learn how to love God with all that we have. This week, Ken dives into what that looks like.

Ken Ballard
Building Blocks of a Healing Family

What does it take to create a safe environment for change? Every single one of us has a weakness. Family should be a haven that allows us to struggle, process, learn, and overcome our shortcomings.

Ken Ballard
Beating the Odds

According to statistics, the current divorce rate is 40 to 50 percent. Although it is better than decades past, there is still room for improvement. How do we keep our family from failing and becoming a statistic?

Ken Ballard
Getting Your Family Back on Track

What if you could change the trajectory of your family? Many times, we do not catch the drift of our family until we hit a crisis. Developing a family vision will set the tone for the family you want, redirect a struggling family, or strengthen a healthy family.

Ken Ballard
Can't We All Just Get Along?

Is it possible to disagree without drawing battle lines? With the growing divide happening in America, we must learn how to stand on the opposite side without declaring my opponent my enemy. This week, Ken looks at how to disagree without burning bridges.

Ken Ballard
Hope for the Struggling Mom

Mom's are a beacon of love for us. Many of us owe our successes to her. However, moms can also be the ones that we take for granted. The job of a mom is tough and can be overbearing. This week, we give our moms some of the love that they have given to us.

Ken Ballard
Is It Okay to Get Angry?

One mistaken post, statement, pic, or video can get you fired and possibly destroy your future. The tide of anger seems to be growing with the increased capacity of social media to influence our lives. In this age of cancel culture, how do we deal with angering situations without allowing it to consume us?

Ken Ballard
Healing a Broken Marriage?

Marriage isn’t easy, even for the most in love couples. When we say, "I do," we have a dream of what our marriage could be. But then, reality and the challenges of life kick in. It is possible to rediscover the dream and restore your love.

Ken Ballard