How Can I Overcome My Doubts? - Encounter Livestream

Facing your greatest doubts can be like standing on the edge of a great precipice. You know what you should believe but life throws everything into question. Jesus does not condemn you but walks right through those doubts with you.

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How Can I Recover from My Failure? - Encounter Livestream

Last week, we looked at the brokenhearted. This week, we look at the heart breaker. You wanted to be different. You wanted to do better and be better but, how do you bounce back from your failure? Today, we look at an example of Jesus extending forgiveness to a guy who didn't deserve and its implications for us.

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How Can I Recover from a Broken Heart? - Encounter Livestream

Your spouse betrayed your trust. When you need your community the most, they abandoned you. A close friend even denyed knowing you. Jesus knows what you're going through.

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How Can I Overcome Fear and Stress? - Encounter Livestream

The moments of uncertainty are rising, causing a knot in your stomach and your heart to race. How do we push forward when all we want to do is retreat?

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How Can I Find Hope Again - Encounter Livestream

Imagine that you have invested three years of your life into what you thought was the answer. You were a witness to incredible, miraculous experiences that changed people's lives. Your anticipation of a glorious future increased daily. But, suddenly it was gone. Darkness had prevailed. What do you do?

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