Who’s Right…God or Science - Encounter Livestream - 05/21/2023

Do you ever wonder why it seems like the Bible and science conflict with one another? Is it possible to believe in both? We’ll find the answers together in this message.

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When You Feel Abandoned by God - Encounter Livestream - 05/14/2023

Do you feel abandoned by God or wonder if He cares about you? If He really loves you, why do bad things keep happening in your life? In this message, we’ll learn what we need to remember on our worst days.

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Is Jesus the Only Way - Encounter Livestream - 05/07/2023

This is probably one of the claims of Jesus that causes the largest question. Is Jesus the only way to God, to heaven? How could He make such a claim? Don't all roads lead to God?

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When Christians Let You Down - Encounter Livestream - 04/30/2023

In this message, we’re digging into a subject that hits close to home for many people. In fact, it’s one of the biggest reasons people leave the church—hypocrisy. We’re talking about what to do when Christians let you down and how you can heal from past hurts.

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Facing Your Insecurities - Encounter Livestream - 04/23/2023

Do you ever doubt that God could use someone like you? It can be hard to know how to deal with your insecurities. There is so much encouragement for you in this message. Don’t miss it!

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Thinking of Leaving Christianity - Encounter Livestream - 04/16/2023

Some people are leaving Christianity over doubts about their faith or questions they can’t seem to answer. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this message, we’re learning how to hold onto what’s true and build our faith.

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It’s Okay to Doubt - Encounter Livestream - 04/09/2023

It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In this Easter message, we're creating a space to deal with doubt and address questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

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